Recomposing Ecopoetics: North American Poetry of the Self-Conscious Anthropocene. Charlottesville, Virginia: University of Virginia Press, 2018. Included in the “Under the Sign of Nature” series, edited by Michael Branch, SueEllen Campbell, and John Tallmadge. Read more about the book here. Reviewed in ISLE, Modern Philology, Contemporary Literature, Modern Language Review, Electronic Green Journal, Los Angeles Review of Books, and American Literary History..
Thinking Poetry: Readings in Contemporary Women’s Experimental Poetics. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2010. [231 pp.]Reviewed in Women’s Studies. Highly recommended by Choice.
Forms of Expansion: Recent Long Poems by Women. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997. [373 pp.]Reviewed in Choice, Women’s Studies (pdf), Contemporary Literature (pdf), American Book Review, Signs (pdf), Journal of American Studies (pdf), Modern Language Review (pdf)
Re-making It New: Contemporary American Poetry and the Modernist Tradition. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Part of the Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture series, ed. Albert Gelpi. [298 pp.]Reviewed in TLS (London), American Literature (pdf), Modern Philology (pdf), Modern Language Review (pdf), New England Quarterly (pdf), Library Journal (pdf), Choice.
Edited Collection of Essays:
Selected Journal Articles and Essays in Books:
- “Liken / Lichen: Brenda Hillman and the Ecopoetics of Figurative Language.” Litmus: The Lichen Issue (January 2021): 63-73.
- “Truths Surpassing Fact: Cole Swensen’s Research-Based Poetics,” North American Women Poets in the 21st Century: Beyond Lyric and Language. Ed. Lisa Sewell and Kazim Ali. Middletown CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2020. 267-293.
- “Walking into ‘no future full’: Brian Teare’s Doomstead Days.” Dispatches from the Poetry Wars, issue on “Poetics for the More-Than-Human World.” Ed. Mary Newell, Bernard Quetchenbach, and Sarah Nolan. (April 2020) (17 ms. pp.) Print edition: Poetics of the More-than-Human World. Brooklyn: Spuyten Duyvil Press, 2020.
- “’Turning into Something Else’: Post-Apocalyptic Survival in Laura Sims’s Staying Alive,” The End of the World Project. Ed. Richard Lopez, John Bloomberg-Rissman, and T.C. Marshall, 2020. 578-585.
- “Making Art ‘Under These Apo-Calypso Rays’: Crisis, Apocalypse, and Contemporary Ecopoetics.” Ecopoetics: Essays in the Field. Ed. Angela Hume and Gillian Osborne. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2018. 19-41.
- “21st-Century Ecopoetry and the Scalar Challenges of the Anthropocene.” The News from Poems: Essays on the 21st-Century American Poetry of Engagement. Ed. Jeffrey Gray and Ann Keniston. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2016. 47-63.
- “The Ecopoetics of Hyperobjects: Evelyn Reilly’s Styrofoam.” Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 22.4: 846-871.
- “a rawlings: Ecopoetic Intersubjectivity.” Jacket2 (c. 9000 words; posted July 2015).
- Chapter 3 of Thinking Poetry (pp. 103-154) reprinted in Contemporary Literary Criticism, Layman Poupard Publishing (2014).
- “Imagining Beyond, Beyond Imagining.” PMLA 127.3 (May 2012): 579-585. (pdf)
- “Green Reading: Modern and Contemporary Poetry and Environmental Criticism.” Oxford Handbook of Modern and Contemporary American Poetry. Ed. Cary Nelson, NY: Oxford University Press, 2011. 602-623.
- “Becoming-Animal in Paul Muldoon’s Horse Latitudes.” Nordic Irish Studies 10 (2011): 1-14.
- “Post-Language Lyric: The Example of Juliana Spahr.” Chicago Review 55:3/4 (2010): 74-83. (pdf)
- “Singing Spaces: Fractal Geometries in Cole Swensen’s Oh.” Journal of Modern Literature 31.1 (2007): 136-160. (pdf)
- “Susan Wheeler’s Open Source Poetics.” American Poets in the 21st Century: The New Poetics. Ed. Claudia Rankine and Lisa Sewell, Middleton, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2007. 304-318.
- “Resisting the Cultural Steam Roller: Susan Wheeler’s Source Codes.” American Literature 79.1 (2007): 143-175. (pdf)
- “FFFFFalling with Poetry: The Centrifugal Classroom.” Poetry and Pedagogy. Ed. Joan Retallack and Juliana Spahr, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. 30-38.
- “Poems Living with Paintings: Cole Swensen’s Ekphrastic Try,” Contemporary Literature 46 (2005): 176-212. (pdf)
- “Feminism and the Female Poet,” co-authored with Cristanne Miller, A Concise Companion to 20th-Century American Poetry. Ed. Stephen Fredman. Maldon, MA; Oxford, UK; Carlton, Australia: Blackwell Publishing, 2005. 75-94.
- “‘Ink of eyes and veins and phonemes’: C.D. Wright’s Eclectic Experimentalism,” Arizona Quarterly 59.3 (2003): 115-49.
- “The Silences are Equal to the Sounds: Documentary History and Susan Howe’s The Liberties,” Reprinted in Contemporary Literary Criticism 152. Detroit: Gale Research, 2002:192-202.
- “‘Nothing, for a woman, is worth trying’: A Key Into Rosmarie Waldrop’s Experimentalism, “We Who Love to Be Astonished”: Experimental Women’s Writing and Performance Poetics. Ed. Laura Hinton and Cynthia Hogue. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2002. 103-15.
- “‘Just one of / the girls: / normal in the extreme’: Experimentalists-to-be Starting Out in the 1960s.” Differences 12.2: 47-69. (Special issue, “After Patriarchal Poetry: Feminism and the Contemporary Avant-Garde,” ed. Steve Evans) (pdf)
- “‘Fields of Pattern-Bounded Unpredictability’: Recent Palimptexts by Rosmarie Waldrop and Joan Retallack. Contemporary Literature 42.2: 376-412. (Special issue, “American Poetry of the 1990s,” ed. Thomas Gardner, Summer 2001) (pdf)
- “Becoming ‘a Compleat Travel Agency’: Barbara Guest’s Negotiations with the Fifties Feminine Mystique.” The Scene of My Selves: New Work on New York School Poets. Ed.Terence Diggory and Stephen Paul Martin. Orono, ME: National Poetry Foundation, 2001. 215-27. Reprinted in The Beat Generation, ed. Allison Marion. Gale Research, 2003.
- “The ‘Then Some Inbetween’: Alice Fulton’s Feminist Experimentalism.” American Literature 71 (June 1999): 311-40. (pdf)
- “‘I knew // That life was fiction in disguise’: Merrill’s Divergence from Auden and Modernism.” Critical Essays on James Merrill. Ed. Guy Rotella. New York: G.K Hall, 1996. 116-144. [reprint of a chapter from Re-making It New]
- “Feminist Measures: Soundings in Poetry and Theory,” co-authored with Cristanne Miller. Feminist Measures. 1-14.
- “Measured Feet ‘in Gender-Bender Shoes’: The Politics of Form in Marilyn Hacker’s Love, Death, and the Changing of the Seasons.” Feminist Measures. 260-86.
- “The Twentieth-Century Long Poem.” Columbia History of American Poetry. Ed. Jay Parini. New York: Columbia UP, 1993. 534-63.
- “‘To remember / our dismembered parts’: Sharon Doubiago and the Complementary Women’s Epic.” American Literary History 4 (1992): 305-28. (pdf)
- “‘For inferior who is free?’: Liberating the Women Writer in Marianne Moore’s ‘Marriage.'” Influence and Intertextuality in Literary History. Ed. Jay Clayton and Eric Rothstein. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1991. 219-44.
- “‘Free of blossom and subterfuge’: Louise Gluck and the Language of Renunciation.” Self, World, Poem: Essays on Contemporary Poetry from the ‘Jubilation of Poets.’ Ed. Leonard Trawick. Kent, OH: Kent State UP, 1990. 120-29. Reprinted in Poetry Criticism. Ed. Christine Slovey. Gale Research, Inc. 1996.
- “‘The tooth of disputation’: Marianne Moore’s ‘Marriage,'” co-authored with Cristanne Miller. Sagetrieb 6 (1987): 99-115.
- “Emily Dickinson, Elizabeth Bishop, and the Rewards of Indirection,” co-authored with Cristanne Miller. New England Quarterly 57 (1984): 533-53. (pdf). See also New England Quarterly 58 [1985]: 331-34 for correspondence regarding that essay (pdf).
- “Words Worth a Thousand Postcards: The Bishop/Moore Correspondence.” American Literature 55 (1983): 405-29. (pdf)
- “Lessons from William Carlos Williams: Robert Creeley’s Early Poetry.” Modern Language Quarterly 43 (1982): 369-94. (pdf)
- “‘Thinkers Without Final Thoughts’: John Ashbery’s Evolving Debt to Wallace Stevens.” ELH 49 (1982): 235-61. (pdf)
- “Interview with Ed Roberson,” conducted with Steel Wagstaff. Contemporary Literature 52 (Fall 2011): 397-429
- “Interview with Rae Armantrout.” Contemporary Literature 50 (2009): 219-39. (pdf)
- “An Interview with C.D. Wright.” The Wolf 19 (December 2008).
- “Interview with Myung Mi Kim,” Contemporary Literature 49 (2008): 335-56. (pdf)
- “Interview with Susan Wheeler.” Contemporary Literature 45 (2004): 573-96. (pdf)
- “Interview with Susan Howe.” Contemporary Literature 36 (1995): 1-34. Reprinted, with updated introduction, in Innovative Women Poets: An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry and Interviews. Ed. Elisabeth A. Frost and Cynthia Hogue. Iowa City: U of Iowa Press, 2006: 155-73. (pdf)
- “Interview with Paul Muldoon.” Contemporary Literature 35 (1994): 1-29. (pdf)
- “Interview with C. K. Williams,” Contemporary Literature 29 (1988): 157-76. Reprinted in Contemporary Literary Criticism Volume 148 (2001), Gale Group. (pdf)
Selected Reviews and Shorter Pieces:
- “What will poetry be in ten thousand years?” Jacket2 (c. 210 words, posted April 13, 2017).
- Entries on “Fractal Poetics” (500 words); “Feminist Approaches to Poetry” (co-authored with Cristanne Miller; 2500 words); “Gender and Poetry” (co-authored with Cristanne Miller, 2750 words) in Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 4th ed. Eds. Roland Greene, Stephen Cushman, Clare Cavanagh, Jahan Ramazani, and Paul Rouzer. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2012.
- “Professing Poetry Anew,” rev. of The Point Is To Change It: Poetry and Criticism in the Continuing Present, by Jerome McGann; Professing Sincerity: Modern Lyric Poetry, Commercial Culture, and the Crisis in Reading, by Susan B. Rosenbaum; Songs of Ourselves: The Uses of Poetry in America, Joan Shelley Rubin. ALH 21 (2009): 674-684. (pdf)
- Rev. of Lyric Interventions: Feminism, Experimental Poetry, and Contemporary Discourse, by Linda A. Kinnahan. Twentieth-Century Literature 50 (2004): 324-31. (pdf)
- Rev. of The Language of Inquiry by Lyn Hejinian Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 21 (Spring 2002): 133-36. (pdf.)
- “The American Poetry Jeremiad.” Rev. of The American Poetry Wax Museum: Reality Effects, 1940-1990, by Jed Rasula. Sagetrieb 16 (Winter 1997): 133-44.
- Rev. of Elizabeth Bishop: Her Artistic Development, by Thomas J. Travisano and The Unbeliever: The Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop, by Robert Dale Parker. Modern Philology 87 (1990): 430-34. (pdf)
- “Poets, U.S. (Contemporary).” Women’s Studies Encyclopedia, Volume II. Ed. Helen Tierney. New York: Greenwood, 1990: 278-80. (Revised edition 1999.)
- Rev. of A Coherent Splendor: The American Poetic Renaissance, 1910-1950, by Albert Gelpi. American Literature 60 (1988): 688-90. (pdf)
- Rev. of The Consuming Myth: The Work of James Merrill, by Stephen Yenser. American Literature 59 (1987): 697-99. (pdf)
- Rev. of The Savage’s Romance: The Poetry of Marianne Moore, by John M. Slatin. American Literature 59 (1987): 471-72. (pdf)
- “Re-examining Recent Poets,” rev. of Robert Lowell: Nihilist as Hero, by Vereen M. Bell and Elizabeth Bishop and Her Art, ed. Lloyd Schwartz and Sybil P. Estess. Contemporary Literature 25 (1984): 242-49. (pdf)
- Rev. of Quest in Modern American Poetry, by Peter Revell. Modern Philology 81 (1984): 441-43. (pdf)
- Rev. of John Ashbery: An Introduction to the Poetry, by David Shapiro. Chicago Review 31 (1980): 137-40. (pdf)